What the… who’s the Pig?

Angelica is just like you! If you’ve encountered a massive pile of debt, horrible coping mechanisms that drove you into further debt, and possibly ever contemplated bankruptcy and went through with it, that is. She has no regrets (because today’s Self Help books tell her that everything is a learning experience) and has flipped her financial turmoil into a positive learning experience that has yet to cease. When she isn’t trying to make healthier financial decisions, Angelica can be seen performing stand-up comedy and pitching articles at magazines and submitting fiction to anyone that doesn’t require a reading fee.

What’s the deal with this site?

Breaking the Piggy Bank has been brewing in Angelica’s head ever since before she filed for bankruptcy. After recently pitching an article idea on bankruptcy and having it rejected, she decided to turn to the internet instead. The purpose of Breaking the Piggy Bank is to break down the often taboo subject of money, financial ruin, and allow other people to see that they aren’t alone in whatever financial troubles they may find themselves in while also offering strategies and tools to help with financial wellness.